女の子は谁でも - とうきょうじへん - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

  • 东京事変

女の子は谁でも魔法使いに向いている (每个女孩子都适合施展魔法)


onnanoko ha dare demo mahoutsukai ni mui teiru

言叶を介さずとも肌で感じているから (即使不透过言语 也要用肌肤感受)


kotoba wo kaisa zutomo hada de kanji teirukara

淋しさへ立ち向かうにはぜんぶ脱いで (褪去因为内心孤寂而不得不武装的外衣)


sabishi sahe tachi muka unihazenbu nui de

最初に覚えた咒(まじな)い一つだけ思い出して (想起一个最初记得的咒语就够了)


saisho ni oboe ta ju ( majina) i hitotsu dake omoidashi te

女の子は何时でも现在(いま)が初恋でしょう (每个女孩子无论何时都在初恋对吧)


onnanoko ha nanji demo genzai ( ima) ga hatsukoi deshou

惚れた贵方だけには魔法使いも形无し (只有在迷恋的你面前 魔法失效)


hore ta anata dakeniha mahoutsukai mo katachi nashi

やりかたを忘れたときはぜんぶ解いて (忘了方法时 就全部解开)


yarikatawo wasure tatokihazenbu toi te

赝物(まやかし)を见抜く占い一つだけ思い出して (想出一个能看穿真伪的占卜就够了)


nisemono ( mayakashi) wo minuku uranai hitotsu dake omoidashi te

女の子はお砂糖と薬味(スパイス)とで出来ている (女孩子都是砂糖与调味料调和而成的)


onnanoko hao satou to yakumi ( supaisu) tode dekite iru

気休め喰らわずとも时めきを嗅ぐから (即使不能放心食用 偶尔也要闻一闻气味)


kiyasume kurawa zutomo toki mekiwo kagu kara

この胸は甘く満ちてはち切れるほどに (胸口快被这满溢的甜美给撑破了)


kono mune ha amaku michi tehachi kire ruhodoni

愿い事を焦がされて何処までも苦いの (因为愿望而焦急的苦涩该往何处)


negaigoto wo koga sarete doko mademo nigai no

唱えてみて一度だけライクアバージン (在唱一次也好 Like a Virgin)


tonae temite ichido dake raikuaba-jin

And when you talk to me it's paradise (当你与我说话就宛如置身乐园)

And when you talk to me it's paradise

and when you talk to me it's paradise

All words seem to turn into love songs (所有的话语都成了情歌)

All words seem to turn into love songs

all words seem to turn into love songs

And if I could be the one in your heart (如果我能成为你心中的那个人)

And if I could be the one in your heart

and if i could be the one in your heart

Just two people till death do us part (只要两人在一起直到死亡分离你我)

Just two people till death do us part

just two people till death do us part

If I am with you it's no consequence (如果与你一起那就不重要了)

If I am with you it's no consequence

if i am with you it's no consequence

That blood flows through my veins (流经我血管的血液)

That blood flows through my veins

that blood flows through my veins

I'm begging you (我乞求你)

I'm begging you

i'm begging you

Give your kiss to me now (现在就亲吻我)

Give your kiss to me now

give your kiss to me now

Would you fly me to heaven? (你会带我飞向天堂吗?)

Would you fly me to heaven?

would you fly me to heaven?
