Re:make - ONE OK ROCK - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

Re:make - ONE OK ROCK

You take me back and show me you're the only one ()

You take me back and show me you're the only one

you take me back and show me you're the only one

Reveal the way you got me I've got to run ()

Reveal the way you got me I've got to run

reveal the way you got me i've got to run

You're still alive ()

You're still alive

you're still alive

I'm never gonna take your feeling which is ()

I'm never gonna take your feeling which is

i'm never gonna take your feeling which is

complicated ()



踏まれてねじられここまで (被踩踏、被扭曲直到现在)


fuma retenejirarekokomade

歩んだこの道の先は (走过的道路的未来)


ayun dakono michi no saki ha

谁にも踏み込まれたくはない 未开拓地领域 (谁都不会想去涉足这个 未开拓的领域)

だれにもふみこまれたくはない みかいたくちりょういき

dare nimo fumikoma retakuhanai mikaitaku chi ryouiki

触れられてしまえば Break me up (如果被触碰的话 Break me up)

ふれられてしまえば Break me up

furera reteshimaeba break me up

整えりゃ Wait for a moment (得整顿 Wait for a moment)

ととのえりゃ Wait for a moment

totonoe rya wait for a moment

ここらでさぁ Falling out yeah (在这里啊 Falling out yeah)

ここらでさぁ Falling out yeah

kokoradesaa falling out yeah

ギリギリで Runs out of time (匆匆忙忙总算 Runs out of time)

ギリギリぎりぎりで Runs out of time

girigiri de runs out of time

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

I'd see you another day another way ()

I'd see you another day another way

i'd see you another day another way

Nobody's standing near ()

Nobody's standing near

nobody's standing near

There are something you can't see or feel baby ()

There are something you can't see or feel baby

there are something you can't see or feel baby

自己のエゴ虚しく 行く末 Yeah I'm sorry (虚无空洞的自我在行程的最终 Yeah I'm sorry)

じこのエゴえごむなしく ゆくすえ Yeah I'm sorry

jiko no ego munashi ku yukusue yeah i'm sorry

履き违えはなはだしくてもう doubt (就算是天大的误解混淆也已经 doubt)

はきちがえはなはだしくてもう doubt

haki chigae hanahadashikutemou doubt

行き违い out there? (果然是错道而行了 out there?)

いきちがい out there?

ikichigai out there?

I keep trying to reach you with my broken legs ()

I keep trying to reach you with my broken legs

i keep trying to reach you with my broken legs

How many times have you seen me when I fall? ()

How many times have you seen me when I fall?

how many times have you seen me when i fall?

But now I know you're not the only thing like before ()

But now I know you're not the only thing like before

but now i know you're not the only thing like before

Not the one I need to share ()

Not the one I need to share

not the one i need to share

くだらない 意味もない くそ食らえ (无聊至极 无何意义 见鬼去吧)

くだらない いみもない くそくらえ

kudaranai imi monai kuso kura e

それぐらい 分かるよ バカじゃない (这种程度的东西 我懂啊 又不是白痴)

それぐらい わかるよ バカばかじゃない

soregurai waka ruyo baka janai

I never give myself to you any more ()

I never give myself to you any more

i never give myself to you any more

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

I'd see you another day another way ()

I'd see you another day another way

i'd see you another day another way

Nobody's standing near ()

Nobody's standing near

nobody's standing near

There are something you can't see or feel baby ()

There are something you can't see or feel baby

there are something you can't see or feel baby

自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me (空洞的自我暗示 能察觉到的话 Oh when I'm me)

じこあんじむなしく きづけば Oh when I'm me

jikoanji munashi ku kizuke ba oh when i'm me

履き违えはなはだしくてもう doubt (就算是天大的误解混淆也已经 doubt)

はきちがえはなはだしくてもう doubt

haki chigae hanahadashikutemou doubt

行き违い out there? (果然还是错道而行 out there?)

いきちがい out there?

ikichigai out there?

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

I'd see you another day another way ()

I'd see you another day another way

i'd see you another day another way

Nobody's standing near ()

Nobody's standing near

nobody's standing near

There are something you can't see or feel baby ()

There are something you can't see or feel baby

there are something you can't see or feel baby

自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me (空洞的自我暗示 能察觉到的话 Oh when I'm me)

じこあんじむなしく きづけば Oh when I'm me

jikoanji munashi ku kizuke ba oh when i'm me

履き违えはなはだしくてもう doubt (就算是天大的误解混淆也已经 doubt)

はきちがえはなはだしくてもう doubt

haki chigae hanahadashikutemou doubt

行き违い out there? (果然还是错道而行 out there?)

いきちがい out there?

ikichigai out there?

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

罗列した无数の选択はNo!! (罗列著无数的选择依旧对我们来说是No!!)


raretsu shita musuu no sentaku ha no!!

胜ち夸りバカばかりでじゃもう doubt (尽是在自鸣得意的白痴混蛋真的够了 doubt)

かちほこりバカばかばかりでじゃもう doubt

kachi hokori baka bakaridejamou doubt

行き违い out there (果然还是错道而行 out there?)

いきちがい out there

ikichigai out there

Re:make - ONE OK ROCK - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

Re:make - ONE OK ROCK

You take me back and show me you're the only one ()

You take me back and show me you're the only one

you take me back and show me you're the only one

Reveal the way you got me I've got to run ()

Reveal the way you got me I've got to run

reveal the way you got me i've got to run

You're still alive ()

You're still alive

you're still alive

I'm never gonna take your feeling which is ()

I'm never gonna take your feeling which is

i'm never gonna take your feeling which is

complicated ()



踏まれてねじられここまで (被踩踏、被扭曲直到现在)


fuma retenejirarekokomade

歩んだこの道の先は (走过的道路的未来)


ayun dakono michi no saki ha

谁にも踏み込まれたくはない 未开拓地领域 (谁都不会想去涉足这个 未开拓的领域)

だれにもふみこまれたくはない みかいたくちりょういき

dare nimo fumikoma retakuhanai mikaitaku chi ryouiki

触れられてしまえば Break me up (如果被触碰的话 Break me up)

ふれられてしまえば Break me up

furera reteshimaeba break me up

整えりゃ Wait for a moment (得整顿 Wait for a moment)

ととのえりゃ Wait for a moment

totonoe rya wait for a moment

ここらでさぁ Falling out yeah (在这里啊 Falling out yeah)

ここらでさぁ Falling out yeah

kokoradesaa falling out yeah

ギリギリで Runs out of time (匆匆忙忙总算 Runs out of time)

ギリギリぎりぎりで Runs out of time

girigiri de runs out of time

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

I'd see you another day another way ()

I'd see you another day another way

i'd see you another day another way

Nobody's standing near ()

Nobody's standing near

nobody's standing near

There are something you can't see or feel baby ()

There are something you can't see or feel baby

there are something you can't see or feel baby

自己のエゴ虚しく 行く末 Yeah I'm sorry (虚无空洞的自我在行程的最终 Yeah I'm sorry)

じこのエゴえごむなしく ゆくすえ Yeah I'm sorry

jiko no ego munashi ku yukusue yeah i'm sorry

履き违えはなはだしくてもう doubt (就算是天大的误解混淆也已经 doubt)

はきちがえはなはだしくてもう doubt

haki chigae hanahadashikutemou doubt

行き违い out there? (果然是错道而行了 out there?)

いきちがい out there?

ikichigai out there?

I keep trying to reach you with my broken legs ()

I keep trying to reach you with my broken legs

i keep trying to reach you with my broken legs

How many times have you seen me when I fall? ()

How many times have you seen me when I fall?

how many times have you seen me when i fall?

But now I know you're not the only thing like before ()

But now I know you're not the only thing like before

but now i know you're not the only thing like before

Not the one I need to share ()

Not the one I need to share

not the one i need to share

くだらない 意味もない くそ食らえ (无聊至极 无何意义 见鬼去吧)

くだらない いみもない くそくらえ

kudaranai imi monai kuso kura e

それぐらい 分かるよ バカじゃない (这种程度的东西 我懂啊 又不是白痴)

それぐらい わかるよ バカばかじゃない

soregurai waka ruyo baka janai

I never give myself to you any more ()

I never give myself to you any more

i never give myself to you any more

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

I'd see you another day another way ()

I'd see you another day another way

i'd see you another day another way

Nobody's standing near ()

Nobody's standing near

nobody's standing near

There are something you can't see or feel baby ()

There are something you can't see or feel baby

there are something you can't see or feel baby

自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me (空洞的自我暗示 能察觉到的话 Oh when I'm me)

じこあんじむなしく きづけば Oh when I'm me

jikoanji munashi ku kizuke ba oh when i'm me

履き违えはなはだしくてもう doubt (就算是天大的误解混淆也已经 doubt)

はきちがえはなはだしくてもう doubt

haki chigae hanahadashikutemou doubt

行き违い out there? (果然还是错道而行 out there?)

いきちがい out there?

ikichigai out there?

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

I'd see you another day another way ()

I'd see you another day another way

i'd see you another day another way

Nobody's standing near ()

Nobody's standing near

nobody's standing near

There are something you can't see or feel baby ()

There are something you can't see or feel baby

there are something you can't see or feel baby

自己暗示虚しく 気付けば Oh when I'm me (空洞的自我暗示 能察觉到的话 Oh when I'm me)

じこあんじむなしく きづけば Oh when I'm me

jikoanji munashi ku kizuke ba oh when i'm me

履き违えはなはだしくてもう doubt (就算是天大的误解混淆也已经 doubt)

はきちがえはなはだしくてもう doubt

haki chigae hanahadashikutemou doubt

行き违い out there? (果然还是错道而行 out there?)

いきちがい out there?

ikichigai out there?

I can't believe in you ()

I can't believe in you

i can't believe in you

罗列した无数の选択はNo!! (罗列著无数的选择依旧对我们来说是No!!)


raretsu shita musuu no sentaku ha no!!

胜ち夸りバカばかりでじゃもう doubt (尽是在自鸣得意的白痴混蛋真的够了 doubt)

かちほこりバカばかばかりでじゃもう doubt

kachi hokori baka bakaridejamou doubt

行き违い out there (果然还是错道而行 out there?)

いきちがい out there

ikichigai out there
