Silence whispers - TRF - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

Silence whispers - TRF

扉に巣喰うshadow まだ见えぬ暗礁 (盘踞在门扉的shadow 无法看见的暗礁)

とびらにすくうshadow まだみえぬあんしょう

tobira ni sukuu shadow mada mie nu anshou

刻む视线from north to west 揺らめく淡い炎 (刻划的视线from north to west 摇晃着淡淡的火焰)

きざむしせんfrom north to west ゆらめくあわいほのお

kizamu shisen from north to west yura meku awai honoo

Tell me way この身を贯く (Tell me way 奉献此身)

Tell me way このみをつらぬく

tell me way kono miwo tsuranuku

Turn the tide 目映い闪光 (Turn the tide 映在眼中的闪光)

Turn the tide まばゆいせんこう

turn the tide mabayui senkou

Ride on time 果てない无限のループ (Ride on time 永无止境无限的回路)

Ride on time はてないむげんのループるーぷ

ride on time hate nai mugen no ru-pu

trick & truth (trick & truth)

trick & truth

trick & truth

Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?” (Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?”)

Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?”

silence whispers “you can listen to the screaming soul? ”

暗を照らし出すcostume (照亮黑暗的costume)


yami wo tera shi dasu costume

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next (Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next)

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next

nobody breaks down,so i cut the past & spin the next

黒い木立が萌えている (黑色小树丛正在萌芽)


kuroi kodachi ga hou eteiru

Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops” (Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops”)

Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops”

silence whispers “you can stop the overflowing drops ”

夜明けを待たずに飞び立つなら (如果无法等待黎明起飞)


yoake wo mata zuni tobi tatsu nara

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next (Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next)

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next

nobody breaks down,so i cut the past & spin the next

奇迹の海に飞び散る月の影 (散落在奇迹之海的月影)


kiseki no umi ni tobi chiru gatsu no kage

未来に向かう风 舞い上がれ (随着朝向未来之风起舞)

みらいにむかうかぜ まいあがれ

mirai ni muka u kaze mai aga re

干いた部屋に斜光 悲しげな残像 (在干燥的小屋里 斜光穿透了悲哀的残留影像)

かわいたへやにしゃこう かなしげなざんぞう

kawai ta heya ni sha hikari kanashi gena zanzou

消えた炎 镇めて 梦が暮れていく (消失的火焰止住梦的黄昏)

きえたほのお しずめて ゆめがくれていく

kie ta honoo tsutsushime te yume ga kure teiku

Tell me way いつか伤付いた (Tell me way 总有一天会受伤)

Tell me way いつかきずついた

tell me way itsuka kizu tsui ta

turn the tide 苍い月の夜が (turn the tide 晴朗的月夜)

turn the tide あおいつきのよるが

turn the tide aoi gatsu no yoru ga

Ride on time 今を踏み出す度にup & down (Ride on time 现在就踏出点up & down)

Ride on time いまをふみだすたびにup & down

ride on time ima wo fumi dasu do ni up & down

Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?” (Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?”)

Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?”

silence whispers “you can listen to the screaming soul? ”

これが最初の越えるlimit (这就是最初超越的limit)


korega saisho no koe ru limit

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next (Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next)

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next

nobody breaks down,so i cut the past & spin the next

遥かな道のなびく岐路 (遥远的道路岐路随风飘动)


haruka na michi nonabiku kiro

Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops” (Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops”)

Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops”

silence whispers “you can stop the overflowing drops ”

割れるように鸣る时の钟 (像割掉了鸣响的时间钟声)


ware ruyouni naru tokino kane

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next (Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next)

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next

nobody breaks down,so i cut the past & spin the next

差し出す手と手 暗に溶け we're soaked (手与手互相接合 溶入黑暗 we're soaked)

さしだすてとて やみにとけ we're soaked

sashi dasu te to te yami ni toke we're soaked

まだ见ぬ空に莳く 爱のrainy… (还未看见散播天空 爱的雨点…)

まだみぬそらにまく あいのrainy…

mada minu sora ni maku ai no rainy …

Ring of life will never end (Ring of life will never end)

Ring of life will never end

ring of life will never end

Don't be afraid Why can you say that? (Don't be afraid Why can you say that?)

Don't be afraid Why can you say that?

don't be afraid why can you say that?

With a knife, without emotion (With a knife, without emotion)

With a knife, without emotion

with a knife, without emotion

There's no chance to look back ever no more (There's no chance to look back ever no more)

There's no chance to look back ever no more

there's no chance to look back ever no more

Now, we look forward Com'n I take you (Now, we look forward Com'n I take you)

Now, we look forward Com'n I take you

now, we look forward com'n i take you

Be my side We're on the way (Be my side We're on the way)

Be my side We're on the way

be my side we're on the way

The door is opened (The door is opened)

The door is opened

the door is opened

Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?” (Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?”)

Silence whispers“you can listen to the screaming soul?”

silence whispers “you can listen to the screaming soul? ”

暗を照らし出すcostume (照亮黑暗的costume)


yami wo tera shi dasu costume

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next (Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next)

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next

nobody breaks down,so i cut the past & spin the next

黒い木立が萌えている (黑色小树丛正在萌芽)


kuroi kodachi ga hou eteiru

Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops” (Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops”)

Silence whispers“you can stop the overflowing drops”

silence whispers “you can stop the overflowing drops ”

夜明けを待たずに飞び立つなら (如果无法等待黎明起飞)


yoake wo mata zuni tobi tatsu nara

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next (Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next)

Nobody breaks down,So I cut the past & spin the next

nobody breaks down,so i cut the past & spin the next

奇迹の海に飞び散る月の影 (散落在奇迹之海的月影)


kiseki no umi ni tobi chiru gatsu no kage

未来に向かう风 舞い上がれ (随着朝向未来之风起舞)

みらいにむかうかぜ まいあがれ

mirai ni muka u kaze mai aga re
