There's No Ending - RUANN - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

There's No Ending - RUANN

地下铁に冷たく吐き出されて (在地铁里呼出阵阵寒气)


chikatetsu ni tsumeta ku hakidasa rete

GPS も私を探せない (GPS也搜寻不到我)

GPS もあたしをさがせない

gps mo watashi wo sagase nai

Get out of here, Get out of here 出れない 出なきゃ 迷うのは (逃离这里 逃离这里 无法离开 却必须要离开 迷惘的是)

Get out of here, Get out of here でれない でなきゃ まようのは

get out of here, get out of here dere nai dena kya mayou noha

たくさん 出口が あるせい まるで 私の Life (因为有很多出口 就仿佛像是我的生命)

たくさん でぐちが あるせい まるで あたしの Life

takusan deguchi ga arusei marude watashi no life

There is a moonlight to be the light in the dark (月光在黑暗中成为了光明)

There is a moonlight to be the light in the dark

there is a moonlight to be the light in the dark

そう私だけが未来を知っている (只有我才知道的未来)


sou watashi dakega mirai wo shitte iru

I don't need judgment just want to make my new way (我不需要判断 只想创造属于我的新方式)

I don't need judgment just want to make my new way

i don't need judgment just want to make my new way

そうアタシはいまアタシを生きている (我如今活在自己的世界中)


sou atashi haima atashi wo iki teiru

There is a shadow more bright than I am now (那里有比我更美丽的影子)

There is a shadow more bright than I am now

there is a shadow more bright than i am now

そう私だけが未来を変えられる (只有我才能改变未来)


sou watashi dakega mirai wo kae rareru

I make good mistakes to learn about how to start right (我犯了很多错误以了解如何开始正确)

I make good mistakes to learn about how to start right

i make good mistakes to learn about how to start right

そうアタシはいまアタシを生きている (我如今活在自己的世界中)


sou atashi haima atashi wo iki teiru

There's no ending (永无止境)

There's no ending

there's no ending
