Every time I sleep here in this white room (每次在这白色的房间睡觉)

Every time I sleep here in this white room

every time i sleep here in this white room

Seems like I have a bad dream (看起来我有个噩梦)

Seems like I have a bad dream

seems like i have a bad dream

When I open up my eyes I can't recall (当我睁开我的眼睛我记不起来)

When I open up my eyes I can't recall

when i open up my eyes i can't recall

But it was colorful (但觉得五彩宾纷)

But it was colorful

but it was colorful

Everyday, at the end of the day (每天结束时)

Everyday, at the end of the day

everyday, at the end of the day

I feel like I'm all dried up (我觉得我整个干涸了)

I feel like I'm all dried up

i feel like i'm all dried up

I know that it's a bad dream, yes I know (我知道那是一个噩梦 是的我知道)

I know that it's a bad dream, yes I know

i know that it's a bad dream, yes i know

But I want it now… (但是我现在就要…)

But I want it now…

but i want it now …

It's too late (太迟了)

It's too late

it's too late

I've already tasted this remedy (我已经尝受过这补救了)

I've already tasted this remedy

i've already tasted this remedy

Help me out. Where is the way to escape? (帮帮我 逃跑的路在哪里?)

Help me out. Where is the way to escape?

help me out. where is the way to escape?

(Nobody answers the question) ((没人回答这问题))

(Nobody answers the question)

(nobody answers the question)

Break me out! Free me from these chains (从这些链条解放我吧)

Break me out! Free me from these chains

break me out! free me from these chains

(Nobody is here anymore) ((再也没有任何人在这里了))

(Nobody is here anymore)

(nobody is here anymore)

Caught up in the emotions… (困在感情里…)

Caught up in the emotions…

caught up in the emotions …

Don't give me an eternity (我不要永恒)

Don't give me an eternity

don't give me an eternity

Even if that's all I can believe (即使只有这些我可以相信的)

Even if that's all I can believe

even if that's all i can believe

时を止めて 瞬きの影で (停止时间 在眨眼的阴影下)

ときをとめて またたきのかげで

toki wo tome te matataki no kage de

I don't wanna fall into a sleep (我不要沉入睡眠里)

I don't wanna fall into a sleep

i don't wanna fall into a sleep

'Cause now you are my remedy (因为你现在是我的补救)

'Cause now you are my remedy

'cause now you are my remedy

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain (现在在我头上敲打着)

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

悪梦の诱いであれ (即使被噩梦诱惑)


akumu no sasoi deare

代偿を支払らうのが定め (代价也是需要给的)


daishou wo shiharai raunoga sadame

The things that we talked about might be love (我们所说的东西可能是爱情)

The things that we talked about might be love

the things that we talked about might be love

Something that you don't know (一些你不知道的事情)

Something that you don't know

something that you don't know

But a baby bird that fell out of the nest (但一只从鸟巢掉下来的小鸟)

But a baby bird that fell out of the nest

but a baby bird that fell out of the nest

Can never go back home (可能永远都回不了家)

Can never go back home

can never go back home

Peaceful days (平静的天)

Peaceful days

peaceful days

Killing me gently, relentlessly (轻轻的狠狠的谋杀我)

Killing me gently, relentlessly

killing me gently, relentlessly

Please tell me! Was it 'cause of something I did? (请告诉我 是不是因为我做了一些事情)

Please tell me! Was it 'cause of something I did?

please tell me! was it 'cause of something i did?

(Nobody answers the question) ((没人回答这问题))

(Nobody answers the question)

(nobody answers the question)

Was it me who made him unhappy? (是不是我 把他弄得不开心?)

Was it me who made him unhappy?

was it me who made him unhappy?

(Nobody is here anymore) ((再也没有任何人在这里了))

(Nobody is here anymore)

(nobody is here anymore)

Caught up in the emotions… (困在感情里…)

Caught up in the emotions…

caught up in the emotions …

Don't give me an eternity (我不要永恒)

Don't give me an eternity

don't give me an eternity

Even if that's all I can believe (即使只有这些我可以相信的)

Even if that's all I can believe

even if that's all i can believe

时を刻み 胸に雕る形见 (时间在流逝 刻在心中的遗物)

ときをきざみ むねにほるかたみ

toki wo kizami mune ni horu katami

I don't wanna fall into a sleep (我不要沉入睡眠里)

I don't wanna fall into a sleep

i don't wanna fall into a sleep

'Cause now you are my remedy (因为你现在是我的补救)

'Cause now you are my remedy

'cause now you are my remedy

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain (现在在我头上敲打着)

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

夺われるものを今 (被剥夺的东西现在)


ubawa rerumonowo ima

不钓り合いな天秤が计る (称在不平衡的天枰上)


fu tsuriai na tenbin ga hakaru

涙拭おうと 伸ばした手が首へと (尝试抹掉眼泪 而手移去了颈项)

なみだぬぐおうと のばしたてがくびへと

namida nuguo uto nobashi ta tega kubi heto

そして目を覚ます朝 壊れてしまった私と梦を… (之后早上醒来了 破碎的我和我的梦…)

そしてめをさますあさ こわれてしまったわたしとゆめを…

soshite me wo sama su asa koware teshimatta watashi to yume wo …

Now please give me an eternity (现在请给我永恒)

Now please give me an eternity

now please give me an eternity

I know that it's all that's left for me (我知道只有那些是我剩下的)

I know that it's all that's left for me

i know that it's all that's left for me

时を超えて 永远の向こう侧で (超越时间 迈向永恒的另一边)

ときをこえて とわのむこうがわで

toki wo koe te eien no mukou gawa de

I just wanna fall into a sleep (我只是要沉入睡眠里)

I just wanna fall into a sleep

i just wanna fall into a sleep

Wishing you can smile again someday (希望你有一天可以再次的微笑)

Wishing you can smile again someday

wishing you can smile again someday

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on the door (现在在敲著门)

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on the door

now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on the door

再び时が动き (时间再次的移动)


futatabi toki ga ugoki

悲しみの全て溃えたなら (当用尽了所有的悲伤后)


kanashimi no subete tsuie tanara

瞳に钝く宿る (住在这瞳孔里)


hitomi ni nibuku yadoru

その光は绝望か希望 (这是绝望还是希望的光呢)


sono hikari ha zetsubou ka kibou

Won't you give me an…give me an eternity? (给我一个吧…一个永恒)

Won't you give me an…give me an eternity?

won't you give me an …give me an eternity?

时の涡に 消えてゆく日々と记忆を… (在时间的漩涡里 一天一天消失的记忆…)

ときのうずに きえてゆく日々ひびときおくを…

tokino uzu ni kie teyuku hibi to kioku wo …



Every time I sleep here in this white room (每次在这白色的房间睡觉)

Every time I sleep here in this white room

every time i sleep here in this white room

Seems like I have a bad dream (看起来我有个噩梦)

Seems like I have a bad dream

seems like i have a bad dream

When I open up my eyes I can't recall (当我睁开我的眼睛我记不起来)

When I open up my eyes I can't recall

when i open up my eyes i can't recall

But it was colorful (但觉得五彩宾纷)

But it was colorful

but it was colorful

Everyday, at the end of the day (每天结束时)

Everyday, at the end of the day

everyday, at the end of the day

I feel like I'm all dried up (我觉得我整个干涸了)

I feel like I'm all dried up

i feel like i'm all dried up

I know that it's a bad dream, yes I know (我知道那是一个噩梦 是的我知道)

I know that it's a bad dream, yes I know

i know that it's a bad dream, yes i know

But I want it now… (但是我现在就要…)

But I want it now…

but i want it now …

It's too late (太迟了)

It's too late

it's too late

I've already tasted this remedy (我已经尝受过这补救了)

I've already tasted this remedy

i've already tasted this remedy

Help me out. Where is the way to escape? (帮帮我 逃跑的路在哪里?)

Help me out. Where is the way to escape?

help me out. where is the way to escape?

(Nobody answers the question) ((没人回答这问题))

(Nobody answers the question)

(nobody answers the question)

Break me out! Free me from these chains (从这些链条解放我吧)

Break me out! Free me from these chains

break me out! free me from these chains

(Nobody is here anymore) ((再也没有任何人在这里了))

(Nobody is here anymore)

(nobody is here anymore)

Caught up in the emotions… (困在感情里…)

Caught up in the emotions…

caught up in the emotions …

Don't give me an eternity (我不要永恒)

Don't give me an eternity

don't give me an eternity

Even if that's all I can believe (即使只有这些我可以相信的)

Even if that's all I can believe

even if that's all i can believe

时を止めて 瞬きの影で (停止时间 在眨眼的阴影下)

ときをとめて またたきのかげで

toki wo tome te matataki no kage de

I don't wanna fall into a sleep (我不要沉入睡眠里)

I don't wanna fall into a sleep

i don't wanna fall into a sleep

'Cause now you are my remedy (因为你现在是我的补救)

'Cause now you are my remedy

'cause now you are my remedy

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain (现在在我头上敲打着)

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

悪梦の诱いであれ (即使被噩梦诱惑)


akumu no sasoi deare

代偿を支払らうのが定め (代价也是需要给的)


daishou wo shiharai raunoga sadame

The things that we talked about might be love (我们所说的东西可能是爱情)

The things that we talked about might be love

the things that we talked about might be love

Something that you don't know (一些你不知道的事情)

Something that you don't know

something that you don't know

But a baby bird that fell out of the nest (但一只从鸟巢掉下来的小鸟)

But a baby bird that fell out of the nest

but a baby bird that fell out of the nest

Can never go back home (可能永远都回不了家)

Can never go back home

can never go back home

Peaceful days (平静的天)

Peaceful days

peaceful days

Killing me gently, relentlessly (轻轻的狠狠的谋杀我)

Killing me gently, relentlessly

killing me gently, relentlessly

Please tell me! Was it 'cause of something I did? (请告诉我 是不是因为我做了一些事情)

Please tell me! Was it 'cause of something I did?

please tell me! was it 'cause of something i did?

(Nobody answers the question) ((没人回答这问题))

(Nobody answers the question)

(nobody answers the question)

Was it me who made him unhappy? (是不是我 把他弄得不开心?)

Was it me who made him unhappy?

was it me who made him unhappy?

(Nobody is here anymore) ((再也没有任何人在这里了))

(Nobody is here anymore)

(nobody is here anymore)

Caught up in the emotions… (困在感情里…)

Caught up in the emotions…

caught up in the emotions …

Don't give me an eternity (我不要永恒)

Don't give me an eternity

don't give me an eternity

Even if that's all I can believe (即使只有这些我可以相信的)

Even if that's all I can believe

even if that's all i can believe

时を刻み 胸に雕る形见 (时间在流逝 刻在心中的遗物)

ときをきざみ むねにほるかたみ

toki wo kizami mune ni horu katami

I don't wanna fall into a sleep (我不要沉入睡眠里)

I don't wanna fall into a sleep

i don't wanna fall into a sleep

'Cause now you are my remedy (因为你现在是我的补救)

'Cause now you are my remedy

'cause now you are my remedy

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain (现在在我头上敲打着)

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain

夺われるものを今 (被剥夺的东西现在)


ubawa rerumonowo ima

不钓り合いな天秤が计る (称在不平衡的天枰上)


fu tsuriai na tenbin ga hakaru

涙拭おうと 伸ばした手が首へと (尝试抹掉眼泪 而手移去了颈项)

なみだぬぐおうと のばしたてがくびへと

namida nuguo uto nobashi ta tega kubi heto

そして目を覚ます朝 壊れてしまった私と梦を… (之后早上醒来了 破碎的我和我的梦…)

そしてめをさますあさ こわれてしまったわたしとゆめを…

soshite me wo sama su asa koware teshimatta watashi to yume wo …

Now please give me an eternity (现在请给我永恒)

Now please give me an eternity

now please give me an eternity

I know that it's all that's left for me (我知道只有那些是我剩下的)

I know that it's all that's left for me

i know that it's all that's left for me

时を超えて 永远の向こう侧で (超越时间 迈向永恒的另一边)

ときをこえて とわのむこうがわで

toki wo koe te eien no mukou gawa de

I just wanna fall into a sleep (我只是要沉入睡眠里)

I just wanna fall into a sleep

i just wanna fall into a sleep

Wishing you can smile again someday (希望你有一天可以再次的微笑)

Wishing you can smile again someday

wishing you can smile again someday

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on the door (现在在敲著门)

Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on the door

now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on the door

再び时が动き (时间再次的移动)


futatabi toki ga ugoki

悲しみの全て溃えたなら (当用尽了所有的悲伤后)


kanashimi no subete tsuie tanara

瞳に钝く宿る (住在这瞳孔里)


hitomi ni nibuku yadoru

その光は绝望か希望 (这是绝望还是希望的光呢)


sono hikari ha zetsubou ka kibou

Won't you give me an…give me an eternity? (给我一个吧…一个永恒)

Won't you give me an…give me an eternity?

won't you give me an …give me an eternity?

时の涡に 消えてゆく日々と记忆を… (在时间的漩涡里 一天一天消失的记忆…)

ときのうずに きえてゆく日々ひびときおくを…

tokino uzu ni kie teyuku hibi to kioku wo …
