Born to be - ナノなの - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

生来注定 - ナノ

They bring me down (他们都让我失望)

They bring me down

they bring me down

All the world is stereotypical (整个世界都如此地死板)

All the world is stereotypical

all the world is stereotypical

Playing out rules, but act another (坚持着规则,却背地里违反)

Playing out rules, but act another

playing out rules, but act another

Look now, you thought you had me by the upper-hand (看吧,你以为你占了上风赢过我)

Look now, you thought you had me by the upper-hand

look now, you thought you had me by the upper-hand

But I see through the face you've covered cynical (但我能看穿你那张愤世忌俗的脸孔)

But I see through the face you've covered cynical

but i see through the face you've covered cynical

Four, Unleash the beast that lies inside of you (四,唤醒解放在你心中的野兽)

Four, Unleash the beast that lies inside of you

four, unleash the beast that lies inside of you

Three, take on the fire that burns in front of you (三,点燃在你面前燃烧着的火焰)

Three, take on the fire that burns in front of you

three, take on the fire that burns in front of you

Two, let out the fear you feel surrounding you (二,驱逐围绕在你身旁的恐惧)

Two, let out the fear you feel surrounding you

two, let out the fear you feel surrounding you

One, become the soul that you were born to be (一,化身成为你与生俱来的灵魂)

One, become the soul that you were born to be

one, become the soul that you were born to be

たとえ今まで生きるストラテジーを见失っても(It's time now) (即使到现今的生存之道已经消逝(就是现在))

たとえいままでいきるストラテジーすとらてじーをみうしなっても(It's time now)

tatoe imamade iki ru sutorateji- wo miushinatsu temo (it's time now)

ハンドルを切って暴れる梦のまま突き进め (握好方向盘勇敢地往梦想直去)


handoru wo kitsu te abare ru yume nomama tsuki susume

スリルの无い人生に挑むなら (如果挑战没有刺激的人生的话)


suriru no nai jinsei ni idomu nara

意味も无い感情を抱くなら (如果要怀抱虚无的情感的话)


imi mo nai kanjou wo daku nara

覚悟を决めていくんだろう (那就做好决定勇往直前)


kakugo wo kime teikundarou

自分自身を BREAK AWAY (从自身的束缚中脱颖而出)

じぶんじしんを BREAK AWAY

jibunjishin wo   break away

全てを夺われる运命なら (如果全部都被夺去 而这就是命运的话)


subete wo ubawa reru unmei nara

何を信じて生きていくんだ (又该怀抱着什么信念生存下去)


naniwo shinji te iki teikunda

Ask yourself the way (问问自己该往哪去)

Ask yourself the way

ask yourself the way

There's nothing to lose or die for! (反正也没有什么可以再失去了!)

There's nothing to lose or die for!

there's nothing to lose or die for!

过去の伤を恐れるなら (如果害怕著过去的伤痛的话)


kako no kizu wo osore runara

未来さえも舍てるようなもんだ (就等同将未来也舍弃)


mirai saemo sute ruyounamonda

The choice is yours to make (由自己作出决定)

The choice is yours to make

the choice is yours to make

This is what I choose to live for! (这就是我选择的生存之道!)

This is what I choose to live for!

this is what i choose to live for!

罪の意识を舍てるために (为了舍去罪恶的意识)


tsumi no ishiki wo sute rutameni

ガムシャラに走り出した (只好莽撞地向前迈进)


gamushara ni hashiri dashi ta

矛盾したキレイゴト并べても (就算漂亮话彼此互相矛盾)


mujun shita kireigoto nabete mo

今更意味も无いだろう? (到了现在也都没有任何意义了吧?)


imasara imi mo nai darou ?

“犠牲は自分だけでいい”なんて (“只要将自己牺牲就好了”什么的)


「 gisei ha jibun dakedeii 」 nante

正义の仮面を被ったって (只不过是带着正义的假面)


seigi no kamen wo ootsu tatte

上辺のヒーローになれやしない (也无法在表面上成为英雄)


uwabe no hi-ro- ninareyashinai

そんなの时间の无駄だろう? (那样岂不是在浪费时间吗?)


sonnano jikan no muda darou ?

Whatever your life throws at you, take it head on (不论你的人生发生了什么,都要正面迎击)

Whatever your life throws at you, take it head on

whatever your life throws at you, take it head on

Gotta prove yourself that this is how it goes (必须证明自己为何存在)

Gotta prove yourself that this is how it goes

gotta prove yourself that this is how it goes

Whatever you choose to aim for, make or break it (无论目标是什么,要不就创造要不就摧毁)

Whatever you choose to aim for, make or break it

whatever you choose to aim for, make or break it

Gotta live today like it could be your last (必须像过着最后一天来度过今天)

Gotta live today like it could be your last

gotta live today like it could be your last

たとえこの先选ぶ道が分からなくても(It's alright) (即使先前选择的道路仍旧看不清(没关系))

たとえこのさきえらぶみちがわからなくても(It's alright)

tatoekono saki erabu michi ga waka ranakutemo (it's alright)

ハイウェイを飞ばして高鸣る鼓动のまま追い越していけ (飞跃高速道路振奋著的心跳已经远远超越)


haiuei wo toba shite takanaru kodou nomama oikoshi teike

スピードの无い现実に负けるなら (如果输给停滞著的现实的话)


supi-do no nai genjitsu ni make runara

宛も无い运命を描くなら (如果描绘著没有未来的命运的话)


ate mo nai unmei wo egaku nara

人生を掴んで行くんだろう (那就去把握人生)


jinsei wo tsukan de iku ndarou

自分自身を LEAD THE WAY (让自己带领着自己前行)

じぶんじしんを LEAD THE WAY

jibunjishin wo   lead the way

仆らの失われる时间の中 (在我们失去的时间之中)


bokura no ushinawa reru jikan no naka

何を感じ思い出すの? (感触又能回忆起什么呢?)


naniwo kanji omoidasu no ?

Pray your heart to stay (祈求着你内心的平静)

Pray your heart to stay

pray your heart to stay

So much you could find to live for (如此便能找到无数的人生目标)

So much you could find to live for

so much you could find to live for

日々の酬いは小さくても (即使每天的成果是那么渺小)


hibi no mukui ha chiisa kutemo

今に任せ歩いていけば (只要任由当下走下去就行)


ima ni makase arui teikeba

Then you'll find the way (你便能寻获途径)

Then you'll find the way

then you'll find the way

This is the day (今天就会是那一天)

This is the day

this is the day

全てを夺われる运命なら (如果全部都被夺去 而这就是命运的话)


subete wo ubawa reru unmei nara

何を信じて生きていくんだ (又该怀抱着什么信念生存下去)


naniwo shinji te iki teikunda

Ask yourself the way (问问自己该往哪去)

Ask yourself the way

ask yourself the way

There's nothing to lose or die for! (反正也没有什么可以再失去了!)

There's nothing to lose or die for!

there's nothing to lose or die for!

过去の伤を恐れるなら (如果害怕著过去的伤痛的话)


kako no kizu wo osore runara

未来さえも舍てるようなもんだ (就等同将未来也舍弃)


mirai saemo sute ruyounamonda

The choice is yours to make (由自己作出决定)

The choice is yours to make

the choice is yours to make

This is what I choose to live for! (这就是我选择的生存之道!)

This is what I choose to live for!

this is what i choose to live for!

Born to be - ナノなの - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

生来注定 - ナノ

They bring me down (他们都让我失望)

They bring me down

they bring me down

All the world is stereotypical (整个世界都如此地死板)

All the world is stereotypical

all the world is stereotypical

Playing out rules, but act another (坚持着规则,却背地里违反)

Playing out rules, but act another

playing out rules, but act another

Look now, you thought you had me by the upper-hand (看吧,你以为你占了上风赢过我)

Look now, you thought you had me by the upper-hand

look now, you thought you had me by the upper-hand

But I see through the face you've covered cynical (但我能看穿你那张愤世忌俗的脸孔)

But I see through the face you've covered cynical

but i see through the face you've covered cynical

Four, Unleash the beast that lies inside of you (四,唤醒解放在你心中的野兽)

Four, Unleash the beast that lies inside of you

four, unleash the beast that lies inside of you

Three, take on the fire that burns in front of you (三,点燃在你面前燃烧着的火焰)

Three, take on the fire that burns in front of you

three, take on the fire that burns in front of you

Two, let out the fear you feel surrounding you (二,驱逐围绕在你身旁的恐惧)

Two, let out the fear you feel surrounding you

two, let out the fear you feel surrounding you

One, become the soul that you were born to be (一,化身成为你与生俱来的灵魂)

One, become the soul that you were born to be

one, become the soul that you were born to be

たとえ今まで生きるストラテジーを见失っても(It's time now) (即使到现今的生存之道已经消逝(就是现在))

たとえいままでいきるストラテジーすとらてじーをみうしなっても(It's time now)

tatoe imamade iki ru sutorateji- wo miushinatsu temo (it's time now)

ハンドルを切って暴れる梦のまま突き进め (握好方向盘勇敢地往梦想直去)


handoru wo kitsu te abare ru yume nomama tsuki susume

スリルの无い人生に挑むなら (如果挑战没有刺激的人生的话)


suriru no nai jinsei ni idomu nara

意味も无い感情を抱くなら (如果要怀抱虚无的情感的话)


imi mo nai kanjou wo daku nara

覚悟を决めていくんだろう (那就做好决定勇往直前)


kakugo wo kime teikundarou

自分自身を BREAK AWAY (从自身的束缚中脱颖而出)

じぶんじしんを BREAK AWAY

jibunjishin wo   break away

全てを夺われる运命なら (如果全部都被夺去 而这就是命运的话)


subete wo ubawa reru unmei nara

何を信じて生きていくんだ (又该怀抱着什么信念生存下去)


naniwo shinji te iki teikunda

Ask yourself the way (问问自己该往哪去)

Ask yourself the way

ask yourself the way

There's nothing to lose or die for! (反正也没有什么可以再失去了!)

There's nothing to lose or die for!

there's nothing to lose or die for!

过去の伤を恐れるなら (如果害怕著过去的伤痛的话)


kako no kizu wo osore runara

未来さえも舍てるようなもんだ (就等同将未来也舍弃)


mirai saemo sute ruyounamonda

The choice is yours to make (由自己作出决定)

The choice is yours to make

the choice is yours to make

This is what I choose to live for! (这就是我选择的生存之道!)

This is what I choose to live for!

this is what i choose to live for!

罪の意识を舍てるために (为了舍去罪恶的意识)


tsumi no ishiki wo sute rutameni

ガムシャラに走り出した (只好莽撞地向前迈进)


gamushara ni hashiri dashi ta

矛盾したキレイゴト并べても (就算漂亮话彼此互相矛盾)


mujun shita kireigoto nabete mo

今更意味も无いだろう? (到了现在也都没有任何意义了吧?)


imasara imi mo nai darou ?

“犠牲は自分だけでいい”なんて (“只要将自己牺牲就好了”什么的)


「 gisei ha jibun dakedeii 」 nante

正义の仮面を被ったって (只不过是带着正义的假面)


seigi no kamen wo ootsu tatte

上辺のヒーローになれやしない (也无法在表面上成为英雄)


uwabe no hi-ro- ninareyashinai

そんなの时间の无駄だろう? (那样岂不是在浪费时间吗?)


sonnano jikan no muda darou ?

Whatever your life throws at you, take it head on (不论你的人生发生了什么,都要正面迎击)

Whatever your life throws at you, take it head on

whatever your life throws at you, take it head on

Gotta prove yourself that this is how it goes (必须证明自己为何存在)

Gotta prove yourself that this is how it goes

gotta prove yourself that this is how it goes

Whatever you choose to aim for, make or break it (无论目标是什么,要不就创造要不就摧毁)

Whatever you choose to aim for, make or break it

whatever you choose to aim for, make or break it

Gotta live today like it could be your last (必须像过着最后一天来度过今天)

Gotta live today like it could be your last

gotta live today like it could be your last

たとえこの先选ぶ道が分からなくても(It's alright) (即使先前选择的道路仍旧看不清(没关系))

たとえこのさきえらぶみちがわからなくても(It's alright)

tatoekono saki erabu michi ga waka ranakutemo (it's alright)

ハイウェイを飞ばして高鸣る鼓动のまま追い越していけ (飞跃高速道路振奋著的心跳已经远远超越)


haiuei wo toba shite takanaru kodou nomama oikoshi teike

スピードの无い现実に负けるなら (如果输给停滞著的现实的话)


supi-do no nai genjitsu ni make runara

宛も无い运命を描くなら (如果描绘著没有未来的命运的话)


ate mo nai unmei wo egaku nara

人生を掴んで行くんだろう (那就去把握人生)


jinsei wo tsukan de iku ndarou

自分自身を LEAD THE WAY (让自己带领着自己前行)

じぶんじしんを LEAD THE WAY

jibunjishin wo   lead the way

仆らの失われる时间の中 (在我们失去的时间之中)


bokura no ushinawa reru jikan no naka

何を感じ思い出すの? (感触又能回忆起什么呢?)


naniwo kanji omoidasu no ?

Pray your heart to stay (祈求着你内心的平静)

Pray your heart to stay

pray your heart to stay

So much you could find to live for (如此便能找到无数的人生目标)

So much you could find to live for

so much you could find to live for

日々の酬いは小さくても (即使每天的成果是那么渺小)


hibi no mukui ha chiisa kutemo

今に任せ歩いていけば (只要任由当下走下去就行)


ima ni makase arui teikeba

Then you'll find the way (你便能寻获途径)

Then you'll find the way

then you'll find the way

This is the day (今天就会是那一天)

This is the day

this is the day

全てを夺われる运命なら (如果全部都被夺去 而这就是命运的话)


subete wo ubawa reru unmei nara

何を信じて生きていくんだ (又该怀抱着什么信念生存下去)


naniwo shinji te iki teikunda

Ask yourself the way (问问自己该往哪去)

Ask yourself the way

ask yourself the way

There's nothing to lose or die for! (反正也没有什么可以再失去了!)

There's nothing to lose or die for!

there's nothing to lose or die for!

过去の伤を恐れるなら (如果害怕著过去的伤痛的话)


kako no kizu wo osore runara

未来さえも舍てるようなもんだ (就等同将未来也舍弃)


mirai saemo sute ruyounamonda

The choice is yours to make (由自己作出决定)

The choice is yours to make

the choice is yours to make

This is what I choose to live for! (这就是我选择的生存之道!)

This is what I choose to live for!

this is what i choose to live for!
