&Z - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

&Z - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki

君の手が広げた 何もない空よ (你将手伸展到 毫无事物的天空)

きみのてがひろげた なにもないそらよ

kun no tega hiroge ta nanimo nai sora yo

理屈の海だけの 解を游べば (就算沉浸理论之海 也能得心应手)

りくつのうみだけの かいをあそべば

rikutsu no umi dakeno kai wo asobe ba

ほどいては溢れた 互いのナミダ (二人的眼泪 早已溢满)

ほどいてはあふれた たがいのナミダなみだ

hodoiteha afure ta tagai no namida

降下した言叶・嘘・キマグレ (随口抛下 临时想到的谎言)


kouka shita kotoba . uso .kimagure

soul・art リズムを 奏でて (灵魂‧艺术 将旋律演奏)

soul・art リズムりずむを かなでて

soul . art rizumu wo kanade te

合図を リングに 繋ぐ (将所知之物系成环扣)

あいずを リングりんぐに つなぐ

aizu wo ringu ni tsunagu

形だけのシステムと 形见だけの咒いも (空有型态的系统和 仅见外表的诅咒 都是)

かたちだけのシステムしすてむと かたみだけのまじないも

katachi dakeno shisutemu to katami dakeno noroi mo

逃亡人の耻じらい音 (逃亡者的难堪声响)


toubou nin no haji rai oto

想像Drive CarryOn 意地なTIRE (想像驾轻就熟 像轮胎般耐用)

そうぞうDrive CarryOn いじなTIRE

souzou drive carryon iji na tire

误解あるドアに ゼロが眠りかけた (尚有误解的门后面 零点沉眠于此)

ごかいあるドアどあに ゼロがねむりかけた

gokai aru doa ni zero ga nemuri kaketa

时计抱いた人と天使 永久に饱くドール达 (抱着时钟的人和天使 早已厌倦永恒的人偶们 (注1))

とけいだいたひととてんし とわにあくドールどーるたち

tokei dai ta nin to tenshi eikyuu ni aku do-ru tooru

また同じ风邪に モガいて (在似同相似的冷风中 挣扎著)

またおなじかぜに モガもがいて

mata onaji kaze ni moga ite

Come on tell me why we are here? (喂 告诉我为何在这?)

Come on tell me why we are here?

come on tell me why we are here?

This endless bloody war (这个没有尽头的血腥战争)

This endless bloody war

this endless bloody war

Why I'm crying in the sky (为何我正在天空中流泪?)

Why I'm crying in the sky

why i'm crying in the sky

You guys are not little boys? (你们这群家伙不就是死小鬼吗?)

You guys are not little boys?

you guys are not little boys?

Just stop what you're doing for me (你在对我做什么 求你住手)

Just stop what you're doing for me

just stop what you're doing for me

It's not really good for you (它对你没任何好处)

It's not really good for you

it's not really good for you

We should know where we're goin? (我们应该了解 我们该去哪?)

We should know where we're goin?

we should know where we're goin?

Nobody knows (无人知晓)

Nobody knows

nobody knows

Fly High,How we got lost in here (展翅高飞 了解我们为何迷失于此)

Fly High,How we got lost in here

fly high,how we got lost in here

Bullets pour like rain (子弹如同大雨倾泻)

Bullets pour like rain

bullets pour like rain

Our chances like shooting stars (我们的机会像流星急逝)

Our chances like shooting stars

our chances like shooting stars

You can hear something in your heart (你可以听到你心中的某种事物)

You can hear something in your heart

you can hear something in your heart

Everything is linked around the world (世界中任何事情都是紧紧连系)

Everything is linked around the world

everything is linked around the world

Break your door to get out the other side (突破你的界限 奔向彼方)

Break your door to get out the other side

break your door to get out the other side

Face reality (坦诚相见)

Face reality

face reality

You can hear my heart say only one (你可以听见我唯一的心声)

You can hear my heart say only one

you can hear my heart say only one

It always feels so good (它总是触感很棒)

It always feels so good

it always feels so good

It's so good for me (它对我很好)

It's so good for me

it's so good for me

Every hope around the world (所有希望都环绕着世界)

Every hope around the world

every hope around the world

Take my hand (牵起我的手)

Take my hand

take my hand

How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos (我们必须承受这世界的悲伤与混乱多久)

How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos

how long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos

We don't know what we should do (我们不知道我们应该做什么)

We don't know what we should do

we don't know what we should do

I believe that justice can be found (我相信正义总有一天会伸张)

I believe that justice can be found

i believe that justice can be found

Be brave keep your chin up (你要骄傲的昂起头)

Be brave keep your chin up

be brave keep your chin up

Did you hit the cross roads in your life? (你是否撞到了人生的十字路?)

Did you hit the cross roads in your life?

did you hit the cross roads in your life?

You don't know (你不知道)

You don't know

you don't know

Nobody knows (无人知晓)

Nobody knows

nobody knows

想像Glide Rage 音 意地&time (想像滑翔的气流音 心境和时刻)

そうぞうGlide Rage おと いじ&time

souzou glide rage oto iji &time

误解あるドアに ゼロが语りかけた (尚有误解的门后面 零点在细语着)

ごかいあるドアどあに ゼロがかたりかけた

gokai aru doa ni zero ga katari kaketa

时计抱いた人の世界 未来描くコード达 (拥抱时钟之人的世界 描绘未来的合音(注2))

とけいだいたひとのせかい みらいえがくコードこーどたち

tokei dai ta nin no sekai mirai egaku ko-do tooru

ただ同じ场所に 向って (只不过是向相同的场所 前进)

ただおなじばしょに むかって

tada onaji basho ni mutsu te

How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos (我们必须承受这世界的悲伤与混乱多久)

How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos

how long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos

消えない 无意味なDEAD (不会消失 没任何意义的死亡)

きえない むいみなDEAD

kie nai muimi na dead

诗に饰られた 疑似の轮 (被诗歌夸饰 可能性之轮)

しにかざられた ぎじのわ

shi ni kazara reta giji no wa

Be brave keep your chin up (你要骄傲的昂起头)

Be brave keep your chin up

be brave keep your chin up

Did you hit the cross roads in your life? (你是否撞到了人生的十字路?)

Did you hit the cross roads in your life?

did you hit the cross roads in your life?

廃れたストレートを (向那荒废的直行道吧)


sutare ta sutore-to wo

How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos (我们必须承受这世界的悲伤与混乱多久)

How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos

how long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos

We don’t know what we should do (我们不知道我们应该做什么)

We don’t know what we should do

we don ’t know what we should do

I believe that justice can be found (我相信正义总有一天会伸张)

I believe that justice can be found

i believe that justice can be found

Be brave keep your chin up (你要骄傲的昂起头)

Be brave keep your chin up

be brave keep your chin up

Did you hit the cross roads in your life? (你是否撞到了人生的十字路?)

Did you hit the cross roads in your life?

did you hit the cross roads in your life?

You don’t know (你不知道)

You don’t know

you don ’t know

Nobody knows (无人知晓)

Nobody knows

nobody knows
