C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. - ONE OK ROCK - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. - ONE OK ROCK

相変わらずあの顷に话した (一如当初所说的)


aikawarazu ano goroni hanashi ta

梦を仆は追い続けてるよ (我仍持续追逐著梦想呦)


yume wo bokuha oi tsuzuke teruyo

もう今年から忙しくなるよな? (从今年开始已经要变得忙碌了吧?)


mou konnen kara isogashi kunaruyona ?

でも変わらずこの场所はあるから (但是这个不曾改变的地方依然还会在)


demo kawa razukono basho haarukara

So everybody ever be buddies (所以每个人永远都是好伙伴)

So everybody ever be buddies

so everybody ever be buddies

Days we grew up are days we will treasure (那些成长的日子将是我们所珍惜的时光)

Days we grew up are days we will treasure

days we grew up are days we will treasure

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen (让所有人知道演出将要开始帘幕已经拉开)

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

Make your own storyline (写下属于自己的故事)

Make your own storyline

make your own storyline

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

ふざけ合い たわいもない (互相开着玩笑 很孩子气的)

ふざけあい たわいもない

fuzake ai   tawaimonai

くだらない话をしては (聊著些无聊琐事)


kudaranai hanashi woshiteha

泣き笑い なぐさめ合い (就会破涕而笑 相互安慰)

なきわらい なぐさめあい

naki warai   nagusame ai

So 终わらない歌 今歌うよ (那么现在就来唱吧 这首没有止尽的歌)

So おわらないうた いまうたうよ

so   owa ranai uta   ima utau yo

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

悪さやバカもしたね よく怒られたね (坏事和傻事都做过呢 经常惹人生气呢)

わるさやバカばかもしたね よくおこられたね

warusa ya baka moshitane   yoku ikara retane

ただ楽しくて そんな日々がずっと続くと思ってた (想只有快乐的 那样的每天 一直持续下去)

ただたのしくて そんな日々ひびがずっとつづくとおもってた

tada tanoshi kute   sonna hibi gazutto tsuzuku to omotsu teta

けど気付けば大人になってって (然而当注意到时已经是个大人了)


kedo kizuke ba otona ninattette

それと共に梦もでかくなっていって (随着梦想也变得越来越大之后)


soreto tomoni yume modekakunatteitte

それぞれが选んだ道へ (向各自所抉择的道路而去)


sorezorega eran da michi he

We have to carry on (我们必须继续前进)

We have to carry on

we have to carry on

Our lives are going on (我们的生活会持续下去)

Our lives are going on

our lives are going on

でも変わらずあの场所はあるから (但是那个不曾改变的地方依然还会在)


demo kawa razuano basho haarukara

So everybody ever be buddies (所以每个人永远都是好伙伴)

So everybody ever be buddies

so everybody ever be buddies

Days we grew up are days we will treasure (那些成长的日子将是我们所珍惜的时光)

Days we grew up are days we will treasure

days we grew up are days we will treasure

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen (让所有人知道演出将要开始帘幕已经拉开)

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

Make your own storyline (写下属于自己的故事)

Make your own storyline

make your own storyline

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

ふざけ合い たわいもない (互相开着玩笑 很孩子气的)

ふざけあい たわいもない

fuzake ai   tawaimonai

くだらない话をしては (聊著些无聊琐事)


kudaranai hanashi woshiteha

泣き笑い なぐさめ合い (就会破涕而笑 相互安慰)

なきわらい なぐさめあい

naki warai   nagusame ai

So 终わらない歌 今歌うよ (那么现在就来唱吧 这首没有止尽的歌)

So おわらないうた いまうたうよ

so   owa ranai uta   ima utau yo

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

We all (我们都)

We all

we all

We all (全部都)

We all

we all

Have unforgettable and precious treasure (有难忘且珍贵的宝物)

Have unforgettable and precious treasure

have unforgettable and precious treasure

It lasts forever (它将永恒)

It lasts forever

it lasts forever

It lasts forever (它将会永远存在)

It lasts forever

it lasts forever

时が経ち老いていっても (就算时光流逝而日渐衰老)


toki ga hechi oi teittemo

かけがえのない宝物は (那无法替代的宝物是)


kakegaenonai takaramono ha

目に见えぬ 形じゃない (眼看不见 且无形的)

めにみえぬ かたちじゃない

meni mie nu   katachi janai

大切なメモリー (珍贵至极的重要回忆)


taisetsu na memori-

これから先もずっと 一生ずっと… (从今以后也一直 一辈子永远地...)

これからさきもずっと いっしょうずっと…

korekara saki mozutto   isshou zutto …

So everybody ever be buddies (所以每个人永远都是好伙伴)

So everybody ever be buddies

so everybody ever be buddies

Days we grew up are days we will treasure (那些成长的日子是我们会珍惜的时光)

Days we grew up are days we will treasure

days we grew up are days we will treasure

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen (让所有人知道演出将要开始帘幕已经拉开)

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

Make your own storyline (写下自己的故事)

Make your own storyline

make your own storyline

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

ふざけ合い たわいもない (互相开着玩笑 很孩子气的)

ふざけあい たわいもない

fuzake ai   tawaimonai

くだらない话をしては (聊著些无聊琐事)


kudaranai hanashi woshiteha

泣き笑い なぐさめ合い (就会破涕而笑 相互安慰)

なきわらい なぐさめあい

naki warai   nagusame ai

So 终わらない歌 今歌うよ (那么现在就来唱吧 这首没有止尽的歌)

So おわらないうた いまうたうよ

so   owa ranai uta   ima utau yo

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

(Uh~) ()



C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. - ONE OK ROCK - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. - ONE OK ROCK

相変わらずあの顷に话した (一如当初所说的)


aikawarazu ano goroni hanashi ta

梦を仆は追い続けてるよ (我仍持续追逐著梦想呦)


yume wo bokuha oi tsuzuke teruyo

もう今年から忙しくなるよな? (从今年开始已经要变得忙碌了吧?)


mou konnen kara isogashi kunaruyona ?

でも変わらずこの场所はあるから (但是这个不曾改变的地方依然还会在)


demo kawa razukono basho haarukara

So everybody ever be buddies (所以每个人永远都是好伙伴)

So everybody ever be buddies

so everybody ever be buddies

Days we grew up are days we will treasure (那些成长的日子将是我们所珍惜的时光)

Days we grew up are days we will treasure

days we grew up are days we will treasure

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen (让所有人知道演出将要开始帘幕已经拉开)

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

Make your own storyline (写下属于自己的故事)

Make your own storyline

make your own storyline

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

ふざけ合い たわいもない (互相开着玩笑 很孩子气的)

ふざけあい たわいもない

fuzake ai   tawaimonai

くだらない话をしては (聊著些无聊琐事)


kudaranai hanashi woshiteha

泣き笑い なぐさめ合い (就会破涕而笑 相互安慰)

なきわらい なぐさめあい

naki warai   nagusame ai

So 终わらない歌 今歌うよ (那么现在就来唱吧 这首没有止尽的歌)

So おわらないうた いまうたうよ

so   owa ranai uta   ima utau yo

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

悪さやバカもしたね よく怒られたね (坏事和傻事都做过呢 经常惹人生气呢)

わるさやバカばかもしたね よくおこられたね

warusa ya baka moshitane   yoku ikara retane

ただ楽しくて そんな日々がずっと続くと思ってた (想只有快乐的 那样的每天 一直持续下去)

ただたのしくて そんな日々ひびがずっとつづくとおもってた

tada tanoshi kute   sonna hibi gazutto tsuzuku to omotsu teta

けど気付けば大人になってって (然而当注意到时已经是个大人了)


kedo kizuke ba otona ninattette

それと共に梦もでかくなっていって (随着梦想也变得越来越大之后)


soreto tomoni yume modekakunatteitte

それぞれが选んだ道へ (向各自所抉择的道路而去)


sorezorega eran da michi he

We have to carry on (我们必须继续前进)

We have to carry on

we have to carry on

Our lives are going on (我们的生活会持续下去)

Our lives are going on

our lives are going on

でも変わらずあの场所はあるから (但是那个不曾改变的地方依然还会在)


demo kawa razuano basho haarukara

So everybody ever be buddies (所以每个人永远都是好伙伴)

So everybody ever be buddies

so everybody ever be buddies

Days we grew up are days we will treasure (那些成长的日子将是我们所珍惜的时光)

Days we grew up are days we will treasure

days we grew up are days we will treasure

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen (让所有人知道演出将要开始帘幕已经拉开)

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

Make your own storyline (写下属于自己的故事)

Make your own storyline

make your own storyline

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

ふざけ合い たわいもない (互相开着玩笑 很孩子气的)

ふざけあい たわいもない

fuzake ai   tawaimonai

くだらない话をしては (聊著些无聊琐事)


kudaranai hanashi woshiteha

泣き笑い なぐさめ合い (就会破涕而笑 相互安慰)

なきわらい なぐさめあい

naki warai   nagusame ai

So 终わらない歌 今歌うよ (那么现在就来唱吧 这首没有止尽的歌)

So おわらないうた いまうたうよ

so   owa ranai uta   ima utau yo

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

We all (我们都)

We all

we all

We all (全部都)

We all

we all

Have unforgettable and precious treasure (有难忘且珍贵的宝物)

Have unforgettable and precious treasure

have unforgettable and precious treasure

It lasts forever (它将永恒)

It lasts forever

it lasts forever

It lasts forever (它将会永远存在)

It lasts forever

it lasts forever

时が経ち老いていっても (就算时光流逝而日渐衰老)


toki ga hechi oi teittemo

かけがえのない宝物は (那无法替代的宝物是)


kakegaenonai takaramono ha

目に见えぬ 形じゃない (眼看不见 且无形的)

めにみえぬ かたちじゃない

meni mie nu   katachi janai

大切なメモリー (珍贵至极的重要回忆)


taisetsu na memori-

これから先もずっと 一生ずっと… (从今以后也一直 一辈子永远地...)

これからさきもずっと いっしょうずっと…

korekara saki mozutto   isshou zutto …

So everybody ever be buddies (所以每个人永远都是好伙伴)

So everybody ever be buddies

so everybody ever be buddies

Days we grew up are days we will treasure (那些成长的日子是我们会珍惜的时光)

Days we grew up are days we will treasure

days we grew up are days we will treasure

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen (让所有人知道演出将要开始帘幕已经拉开)

Show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

show everybody show is beginning curtain has risen

Make your own storyline (写下自己的故事)

Make your own storyline

make your own storyline

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

ふざけ合い たわいもない (互相开着玩笑 很孩子气的)

ふざけあい たわいもない

fuzake ai   tawaimonai

くだらない话をしては (聊著些无聊琐事)


kudaranai hanashi woshiteha

泣き笑い なぐさめ合い (就会破涕而笑 相互安慰)

なきわらい なぐさめあい

naki warai   nagusame ai

So 终わらない歌 今歌うよ (那么现在就来唱吧 这首没有止尽的歌)

So おわらないうた いまうたうよ

so   owa ranai uta   ima utau yo

Dream as if you will live forever (当作你拥有无尽未来般 去追求梦想)

Dream as if you will live forever

dream as if you will live forever

And live as if you'll die today (也当作今日就将面临死亡那般 把握当下)

And live as if you'll die today

and live as if you'll die today

(Uh~) ()


