shadowgraph - MYTH & ROID - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

shadowgraph - MYTH & ROID

Can you see the meaning inside yourself…? (你是否能看见自身的价值…?)

Can you see the meaning inside yourself…?

can you see the meaning inside yourself …?

Can you see the meaning in your darkness…? (你是否能察觉潜藏于内心的黑暗…?)

Can you see the meaning in your darkness…?

can you see the meaning in your darkness …?

Oh, where are you now? Have you gone away? (你现在身在何处? 还是早已消失无踪?)

Oh, where are you now? Have you gone away?

oh, where are you now? have you gone away?

Here now, is it just a lookalike? (伫立于此处的你 难道仅仅是虚有其表?)

Here now, is it just a lookalike?

here now, is it just a lookalike?

All of the world is slowly changing (世界往往在我看不见的地方)

All of the world is slowly changing

all of the world is slowly changing

In a way I can not see from here (一点一点地改变着)

In a way I can not see from here

in a way i can not see from here

昨日见た梦では 谁かに呼ばれてた (昨日 是谁在梦里呼唤我)

きのうみたゆめでは だれかによばれてた

kinou mita yume deha dareka ni yoba reteta

振り向けばそこには 消えもせず居座った幻 (回首望去 那消失不去的幻影已伫立于此)

ふりむけばそこには きえもせずいすわったまぼろし

furimuke basokoniha kie mosezu isuwatsu ta maboroshi

Can you see the meaning inside yourself? (你是否能看见自身的价值?)

Can you see the meaning inside yourself?

can you see the meaning inside yourself?

不意に嗤い消えた声 (时而响起时而消失的笑声)


fui ni shi i kie ta koe

なぜに出会いなぜ别れ その意味も知らず (究竟为何相逢与别离 我至今仍无从得知)

なぜにであいなぜわかれ そのいみもしらず

nazeni deai naze wakare sono imi mo shirazu

So, can you see the meaning in your darkness? (你是否能明白潜藏在内心的黑暗?)

So, can you see the meaning in your darkness?

so, can you see the meaning in your darkness?

缲り返し映る影 (一再反复现形的幻影)


kurikaeshi utsuru kage

何も无いその中を 何かを探し歩き続ける (在那空无一物的深渊中 我仍持续地在寻找著)

なにもないそのなかを なにかをさがしあるきつづける

nanimo nai sono naka wo nanika wo sagashi aruki tsuzuke ru

So, have you thought about what truth means in this world? (你是否思考过这个世界上真实的意义?)

So, have you thought about what truth means in this world?

so, have you thought about what truth means in this world?

Is the "truth" enough for you to believe? (那份真实能否让你深信不疑?)

Is the "truth" enough for you to believe?

is the "truth" enough for you to believe?

All of the world is slowly changing (世界往往以我追赶不上速度)

All of the world is slowly changing

all of the world is slowly changing

In a way I can not catch up with (一点一点地变化著)

In a way I can not catch up with

in a way i can not catch up with

Day by day, we're losing our own shadows (日复一日 我们失去了自身的影子)

Day by day, we're losing our own shadows

day by day, we're losing our own shadows

手に入れたものでさえ (曾经获得的事物)


teniire tamonodesae

手の中で変わるのだと 気づいてしまった (也早已不复以往 当我回过神来)

てのなかでかわるのだと きづいてしまった

teno naka de kawa runodato kizu iteshimatta

So day by day, we're losing proof we are here (日复一日 我们失去了自身的证明)

So day by day, we're losing proof we are here

so day by day, we're losing proof we are here

色づいたこの雾は (随着迷雾披上了色彩)


shoku zuitakono kiri ha

世界と名乘ってまだ 视界のすべてを覆っている (冠上世界的名义 将意识隐藏于心底深处)

せかいとなのってまだ しかいのすべてをおおっている

sekai to nanotsu temada shikai nosubetewo ootsu teiru

何も何も见えないそこに いつもいつも在るはずのもの (什么也无法看见的内心深处 明明应该一直都存在的事物)

なにもなにもみえないそこに いつもいつもあるはずのもの

nanimo nanimo mie naisokoni itsumoitsumo aru hazunomono

光と阴 梦と现の 狭间で踊る "私"はどこにいる さあ (光与影 梦与现实 在两者夹缝中起舞 “我”究竟身在何处? 谁知道呢)

ひかりとかげ ゆめとうつつの はざまでおどる "わたし"はどこにいる さあ

hikato in yume to genno hazama de odoru " watashi " hadokoniiru saa

Can you see the meaning inside yourself? (你是否能看见自身的价值?)

Can you see the meaning inside yourself?

can you see the meaning inside yourself?

不意に嗤い消えた声 (时而响起时而消失的笑声)


fui ni shi i kie ta koe

なぜに出会いなぜ别れ その意味も知らず (究竟为何相逢与别离 我至今仍无从得知)

なぜにであいなぜわかれ そのいみもしらず

nazeni deai naze wakare sono imi mo shirazu

So, can you see the meaning in your darkness? (你是否能明白潜藏在内心的黑暗?)

So, can you see the meaning in your darkness?

so, can you see the meaning in your darkness?
